There are no words that can fully describe Amon Amarth latest axe blow to the groin. After a lengthy search through the dictionary, this was apparent. Therefore I have created a word to aid me in the description of this Swedish Viking Metal phenomenon: Epicsome. An awesome display of epicness of an epic display of awesomeness, your choice. But one thing is certain: IT IS EPICSOME.

Amon Amarth

This seventh album from the Swedish Viking Metal band Amon Amarth has all that a frothing-to-the-mouth Norse could want. The sleeve is perhaps one of the most badass sleeves ever presented in the last decade, featuring Thor about to teach the Midgaard snake that messing with the gods leads to a bad case of rectal explosion. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, or rather just the hilt of the awesome sword that is this album. From the very first track, the self titled Twilight Of The Thunder God, it is apparent: Amon Amarth is pissed and looking for a skull to sink their axes in. Featuring Roope Latvala of Children Of Bodom, this track is a kick-ass display of the power of this band. But again this is only the first track of this prime example of badassery.

The following tracks only enhance the epicsomeness of this album, with such titles as Guardians Of Asgaard (featuring Lars Petrov of Entombed) and Where Is Your God? But the real mind-blower is the seventh song: No Fear For The Setting Sun. This little piece of Valhalla is a tribute to the awe-inspiring talent of the Swedish band to provide a soundtrack to a battlefield. Culminating with the magnificent Embrace The Endless Ocean, this album is living proof that the Norse gods are still alive and are still looking for a fight with itchy broadsword fingers.

Amon Amarth Live

If you are looking to vent off some steam by impaling your enemies on a 20 foot spike all the while laughing, then this album is a must buy for you. If not, well stay away lest your feeble brain be turned into smoldering sludge and keep playing with your dolls. An epicsome display of huge gonads, this monster of an album should be on your shelf as soon as humanely possible.

If possible, purchase an axe with it so that you might enjoy to its full while making your foes wonder why their guts are lying on the pavement next to them. Even though TOTTG might only appeal to those Metalheads who might have been Vikings ravaging some foreign country’s landscape in their previous (or current) lives, this album is an essential piece in modern day Metal, and is a sure sign that Amon Amarth can surprise the Metal world by releasing such great albums. As I cannot find any more ways of expressing just how grey-matter-melting this album is, I will leave you with this: IT IS EPICSOME. ’nuff said.