Led by ex-Unexpect (check them here) bassist ChaotH (aka Frédérick Filiatrault), Vvon Dogma I released its EP “Communion” on October 27th 2017, featuring 4 songs with a total running time of 15 minutes.
Frederick Filiatrault aka ChaotH – 9 String Bass
Blaise B. Léonard – Synths and Violin
Yoan Marier-Proulx – 8 String Guitar
Kevin Alexander – Drumz

EP cover
The songs were like living entities needing to be drawn into our world. The music is so original it is hard for me to categorise and it will definitely challenge music fans, but ultimately I think it will satisfy them beyond what any generic band copying what has gone before ever could.
– ChaotH
In case you’re unfamiliar with Unexpect, it was internationally regarded as one of the top Avant-Garde Metal bands around, with a unique sound that was often viewed as perplexing and complex for the average Metal listener – thus always viewed as eclectic. ChaotH’s monster 9-string Bass work was at the core of that band, with a multitude of high speed technical basslines using techniques like slapping, tapping and regular finger-style.
- Stream the “Communion” EP on Bandcamp
However, with Vvon Dogma I, the sound shows more finesse than Unexpect’s sound, watering down the Avant-Garde aspect and targeting a wider Metal audience, at the same time creating both a listener-friendly and original sound. The main elements of the sound are Prog, Djent, Funk, and Electronic sampling.
I wanted to feature my freak instrument of a nine-string bass. It is often a Frankenstein of bits and pieces of writing. But I also want people to know it’s not about shredding or anything. I wanted to see how I could apply this weird playing style in a musically accessible venue. My art is song writing plus arranging and the 9 string is only one aspect of it. I find it definitely adds an interesting flavor. Hopefully people will see it for what it is as a whole.
– ChaotH

When hearing the album, one can immediately notice the accessible yet non-generic sound, with the bassist / frontman at the front of it all, pounding technical basslines while delivering vocals that immediately recall that weird fresh combination that Cynic brought to the Death Metal scene with their legendary 1993 album “Focus”. This band uses that same approach of combining digital-alien-like vocals with a technical foundation that manages to hide its technicality – and that’s what I believe great songwriting and arranging accomplishes.
This EP is highly promising, now we will be anticipating a monster of a debut album!
- Follow the band here