RockRing’s comeback to event organizing is one of 2015’s most important local Metal news. Their hibernation coincided with the rise of a Lebanese music scene that embraced the teen and young adult age group which Metal monopolized over the past 15 years. Due to this new found “different music scene”, Metalheads were left with the thought of “there’s no Metal scene now”, but in fact the scene did survive with big summer festivals, a few small events and many quality album releases, but it was never the same without RockRing in the mix.
Regardless, the eco system (media, bands, fans) survived and is now waiting for a spiritual revival of some sort where Metal can once again be a major player in the local music scene.

LebMetal merchandise – Summer Fusion 2015
The return of Rockring is still in its initial phase, and Summer Fusion’s attendance has definitely gave its management the data it needs to proceed with its rebuilding phase, especially with the newer generation of Metalheads. It was their testing grounds for 2016, where Global Battle Of The Bands is set to return along with a renewed faith in the scene as a whole. RockRing’s comeback along with Metal Bell and KAZ’s events will highly support the scene next year, and we will be there to document the whole thing as we’ve been doing for almost 6 years now.

Blood Ink / Element 26 – Summer Fusion 2015
This edition of Summer Fusion was the first one with such a variety of music styles (it was usually more Metal) – it was definitely not a pure Metal event and that’s OKAY! The bands’ intensity gradualy escalated from Pop / Rock / Reggae / Electronic Blues / Metal / Thrash Metal / NWOAHM, with a few surprises along the way (dat Megadeth / Rammstein-playing BANDAGE!). The sound was not the best I’ve heard at RockRing events in the past but it was good enough, it didn’t really matter much because old familiar faces met and had a few laughs, newer faces saw the scene from a new perspective (I hope they Google read our article archive to understand its history) and RockRing got all the information it needed on the current status of the scene.

Overall as both press and band member (with Alan Abi), I had a good day which reminded of a few years back and gave me the chance to share the merchandise stand with volunteers from Metal Bell.

Blaakyum – Summer Fusion 2015
To all the bands who played, we will not review your performance (most of you are pleased because you probably hate that), everyone was good and played their part to bring this event alive and to kick some much needed fire into the hearts of local Metalheads, young and old. There was a positive attitude all around and that’s key to showing that Rock/Metal events are just fun and energetic!
Looking forward to seeing RockRing picking up steam this year, we’re also keeping an eye on all local bands who are working hard to put out quality releases! Thank you RockRing for inviting us, we’re excited about your return!
Check out the event’s photo gallery: