Finally, the wait is over! After being absent from local events for some time, the Weeping Willow are back with their new album entitled “IMPALE”.
The album release event took place at the Yukunkun pub in Gemmayze on February 16th, and although I was worried about the sound since the pub doesn’t usually hold Metal concerts, my expectations were exceeded.

Guitarist | Garo Gdanian
The venue was big enough, and what I liked the most was that even though guitarist Garo Gdanian had posted on the event wall on Facebook that the pub had put an age limit of 18, a lot of so-called “minors” showed up and proudly stood outside to support them. I think they were all allowed in afterwards however, as I saw some of them wandering around inside. However, this just shows that the spirit of our local Metal scene has not died, also revealing the power that an experienced band such as the Weeping Willow has on us.

Vocalist | Geno Machoulian
I heard a comment from the back saying “They’re much better than they used to be” and I definitely agree – they sounded really good! Some people I know said that the concert sucked, but I didn’t think so at all. Their musicianship was clear, and they all knew what they were doing and from what I could see, everyone was having a good time, headbanging, moshing and drinking!

Guitarist, Elias Njem & Vocalist, Geno Machoulian
Maybe the only thing that they could have added was more songs to the playlist and a longer performance. I think they performed for 45 minutes, or maybe an hour but time passed by so quickly – specially that there was a delay at first. It was disappointing, and even when the crowd begged for more they gave us nothing. But I wouldn’t really blame them, because I could see their faces all crunched up with sweat drops rolling down the contour of their visages at the end of the show. Death metal does really put DEATH into context, haha!

Bassist | Marco Ghorayeb
They are all brilliant musicians who each put their own personality in their music, but the person who I was personally happy to see with them was Bachir Ramadan, their current drummer. He joined them around two years ago, and having known him previously from when he was with the death metal band PERVERSION in Dubai, I was proud to see him back in Lebanon and playing with one of the oldest and greatest local bands, blasting the fuck out! I can also see some minor improvements in his performances and I think the Weeping Willow made a wise choice by choosing him to be their drummer.

Drummer | Bachir Ramadan

Guitarist | Elias Njeim
All in all, it was a kick ass brutal show! Njeim rocked the hell out of his guitar, with the sick solos and awesome leads, along with Gdanian’s awesome grinding riffs! And whats a band without the ultimate bassist?! Ghorayeb didn’t smile much but his fingers sure did! And Ramadan… well, he was all BLAST!
I only hope for the best for the band in all that they do and hope for absolute success! I also ask for some more fucking WW shows to IMPALE us all night long!