The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (the English version) is a film adaption of the award-winning Swedish-language “Millennium Series” by the late Stieg Larsson, directed by David Fincher (Seven, The Game, Fight Club, The Social Network) and starring Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig. The main character is Lisbeth Salander, a cyberpunk hacker with a distinctive character and an ugly past, who works as a private investigator for a security company.


The movie is in theaters now across Lebanon and I advise you to go and watch it, not just for its brilliant cinematography and addictive story, but also for its jaw-dropping introduction starting with the opening title of the OST, a cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” composed by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross (featuring Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Karen O on vocals), played along stunning visuals which ended up as the official video for this cover.


The cover itself is quite interesting and non-traditional, with an Industrial Metal touch written all over it, not strange to those familiar with the works of Nine Inch Nails. Due to the intriguing personality of the movie’s main character along with the fact that she is a hacker, having electronic elements in the OST’s opening title stays true to the cyberpunk culture while also paying respect to Rock/Metal’s powerful energy. Perhaps some Led Zeppelin die-hards will dub this track as an unfitting and inaccurate tribute to one of Rock’s most legendary bands. However, I suppose that with the amount of experimentation Led Zeppelin were eagerly throwing themselves into in their own career, a cover which is more related to our digital era and experimentation opportunities should certainly seem rewarding to the band and their fans, 41 years after the original song was first released, a testament to the timeless music they made.

Another song with Metal influences on the OST is “A Thousand Details“, so check that out if you’re interested.

Here’s the official visuals for the “Immigrant Song” cover below:

A 6-track free sampler of the soundtrack is available for download HERE.