Among the vast range of political metal bands whose lyrics attack worldwide regimes, policies and political leaders, the story of Taiwanese metal band Chthonic shines out simply for their government itself supported the band to raise awareness on Taiwan’s ongoing attempts to join the United Nations, which China has continuously blocked since 1993.
Hence with the help of Ozzy Osbourne did Chthonic take part in the OzzFest 2007 with bands such as Nile, Behemoth, Lamb of God and Hatebreed (see more bands here). This “UNlimited Taiwan” tour spread the band’s message to fans of over 80 cities in the US and Europe.

The Taiwanese government advertised the band’s national mission with more than $180,000 and upon critics questioning the government’s choice of a metal band to support this cause, officials said that they will work with anyone with the same objective.
- Here’s a video of Chthonic’s “UNlimited Taiwan” song:
Taiwan may not have successfully entered the UN yet but they are participating as observers in international conventions such as the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the International Civil Aviation Organization, as they get closer to achieving their goal to join the worldwide community, aided by the likes of Chthonic who believe in metal and its power to reach large audiences.
The real point behind this article is to expose a rare positive common goal-oriented relationship between metal and politics, since it’s known that metal music in general has always fought officials and corrupt power with outspoken non-conformative opinions regarding injustice, corruption and social issues (the music of early punk movements, Nuclear Assault, Rage Against The Machine, etc).
Will local Lebanese authorities ever join forces with metal bands to spread a national message to the international communities? With the ongoing online media outburst, it’s highly possible that such moves will be praised by online communities (social, arts, music, politics), newspapers and forums, hence supporting the original intended cause.
Eventually, music has been and will always be an international language, but when will our officials learn to use its powers?