“By way of Quebec comes a unique blend of Eastern European-inspired black metal and Bulgarian folk music, presented in the form of Цар Стангра (TSAR STANGRA). Driven by complex songs, exotic rhythms, and multiple orchestrations, the music is as diverse and refined as the culture in which it represents.
With the impending release of their debut album Небесният ковач (Celestial Forger), set to drop on May 26th, the band has taken great care to deliver a mosaic of melodic music that blends mysticism with uncommon elements found in today’s pagan/folk black metal scene. Inspired by the expertise of such legends as Negură Bunget, Drudkh, Rotting Christ, and Nokturnal Mortum, each and every song is then localized utilizing typical Bulgarian rhythms and harmonies.” – from original promo
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tsarstangra