- Date / Time / Location
Thursday, December 20th 2012 / 7:30 PM / Hard Rock cafe Beirut
- Info
The Lebanese Bands Community brings you
The Christmas Mission 2012 – a fundraising event for the kids of the SOS Village.
- The Target
The SOS Village kids need: clothes, mattresses and food supplies.
- The Mission
Day 1: The event
The Lebanese bands will Rock For Life and raise money for day 2.
Day 2: The shopping trip
All bands members will be buying the kids what they need.
Day 3: The Visit to the SOS Village
All bands will be visiting the kids at the SOS Village to distribute the gifts.
And we need YOUR SUPPORT on Day 1 so you can help us complete the mission!
- Tickets
Tickets prices: 25,000 L.L including 1 beer OR 1 soft drink
Tickets will be sold at the Hard Rock Cafe entrance on the SAME day.
Please book your tables on 01 373 023 or 03 412 524
- The Bands
-Aura www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkWYXbcnBJg
-Audio Traffic www.facebook.com/audiotraffic
– BandAge www.facebook.com/Bandage.lb.page
-Blaakyum www.facebook.com/Blaakyum
-Butterfly www.facebook.com/bahij?fref=ts
-Calling Earth www.facebook.com/CallingEarth
-Roswell www.facebook.com/Roswellband
-Rubber Band www.facebook.com/pages/Rubberband/464878176863015
-Sae Lis’ www.facebook.com/Saelismusic
-Soul Sister www.facebook.com/soulsistermusic
-Nour Nimri www.facebook.com/nournimri
-Marilyn & Zee www.facebook.com/zeekarkabi
Guest Guitarist Jay Wud www.facebook.com/jaywudmusic
Guest Vocalist Tanya Rizkala from Epic www.facebook.com/epicmusicband
Event host: Joseph Azoury www.facebook.com/josephazouryfanpage
- Sponsored by
-HMP http://www.facebook.com/HMP.HarmonyMusicProduction
-AMT Pedals by Rock Multitrade http://www.facebook.com/RockMultitrade
-Omnia Production By Roger Abi Mansour www.omniaproduction.net
-Banadoura http://www.facebook.com/pages/Banadoura/196243163731188
-Deaibes -Kids Wear Stores-
Ain el Remeneh, Kasarjian St.
-Group87 www.group87.com
-E.M Management www.facebook.com/EMManagePage
*Check the promo video on You-Tube
*Girl in the flyer: Sarah Abou Samra
*Photography coverage by: Abdallah Bakri www.facebook.com/AbdallahBakriPhotography
Event page on FB: http://www.facebook.com/events/375291589228746/?ref=ts&fref=ts
*For personal donations
Please call 03 41 25 24
This event is organized by BandAge