- Date / Time / Location
Friday September 14th 2012 / 6:00 PM / Memchieh, Zahle DT.
- Info
4U2 FEEL Production, Proudly presents
ALL Zahle’s Pubs will be closing their doors and inviting people to attend 2 SMART 2 START!!
Six of the most talented Bands/Artists in the country, Rocking Zahle, Bekaa on the 14th of September with their amazing shows:
•BandAge: Pop-Rock
•Phobia: Rock
•Left Hand Rule: Blues
•Chadi Jouani: Rap
•Audio Traffic: Alternative
•Eruption: Classical Rock
We are offering a free of charge transportation from:
1 Dekwene , near BLOM Bank.
2 Naher el mot , Geant , near park Friej.
3 Antelias , near St. Elie Church
4 Sin el fil , Nova parking
To the event and back !!
Entrance fee: 10$ + 1 Drink
Tickets sold at: Captain’s room, Babylon, BLVD, Willy music shop.
This event will be covered by:
•FreakShow: http://www.freakshowlb.com
•LebMetal: http://www.lebmetal.com
For more info’s and reservation: 03 – 59 60 60
4U2 FEEL Production Bio/Background:
•4U2 FEEL production is a team that helps you find, listen and watch all your favorite local bands and their music, events, and news.
•4U2 FEEL production give a chance to the starter bands to share the Lebanese premium bands their live events.
•4U2 Feel is a charity fund raising and voluntary association working with a motive to make a spot light on local bands and support them through its events.
•In the past, 4U2 Feel has successfully organized several events of this kind.
•The last two events were organized in April and May. We were proud to invite 5 local bands: Blaakyum, Rabih Deaibiss and High treason in April and Amadeus Awad and Phobia in May. The duration of these events were around 3 hours each and the estimated audience was around 200 persons in each event.