• Date / Time / Location

Saturday January 14th 2012 / 9:00 PM / The Quadrangle, Hazmiyeh

  • Band Charge

15.000 LL – 1 Beer Included


It’s about time for this new formed band to share the stage with the other LYC bands. Chain Reaction is a band with a great hunger for the 80’s Rock. Covering a variety of bands like Survivor, Boston, Bon Jovi, Journey, Europe This act is formed so we can celebrate and enjoy once more the best decade in the history of music.

Chain Reaction are:

Nadim Hitti on Lead Guitar
Johnny Maalouly on Bass
Chady Khairallah on Keyboards
Alain Eid on Drums
Wassim Nouwar on Vocals

– Bassic Trouble proving themselves time after time as a disciplined hard rocking band. Covering Alter Bridge and many other New Wave Metal bands and now performing their own original songs. We’re sure you’ll enjoy them as always.

Bassic Trouble on Facebook

– Psycho Circus the Kiss Fanatics, these guys will surprise you with their passion for a Rock era back when none of them was even born! Not only will be throwing you with the Classics but will also be a fun to watch.

Psycho Circus on Facebook

This event is covered by LebMetal.com

LYC is supporting the Lebanese bands by setting up the LebMetal merchandise stand at all of their events.

  • LebMetal will be selling the following local merchandise at the event:

The Hourglass shirts + albums and EP

Alan Azar – “The Cosmologist”

Roswell – “Out of Reach”

Moe Kabbara – “Understated Imperfections” EP

Kimaera – “Solitary Impact” and “Ebony Veiled”

Monarchy – “The Rise And Fall At Lantis”