“The RockRing Club” is a new interesting idea in the Lebanese music scene.


Its main aims are to create a vibrant music community in Lebanon by playing an active role in it.

Being part of the club allows you to become part of a new musical experience, learning, sharing ideas, creating lasting associations with other musicians, and building a music network !

We believe in the power of music to express life, and our purpose is to share and spread our dedication to music to the community, and to improve it.People who register will be contacted for further details, please make sure to put valid mobile numbers.

“The main benefits of joining the RockRing Club are, but not limited to” :

  • Workshops:

  • Guitar

  • Bass

  • Drums

  • Vocals

  • Band (ways to improve & make your band more professional)

  • Technical: guitars, sound effects, amps, tubes, how to buy equipment

  • Sound & mix engineering, and others…

    Workshops are carried out by experienced people in the local scene (such as some of the top bands or studio owners)


  • Activities:

  • Music education & listening session – sharing music

  • DVD nights, using big projection screens and surround sound: could be movies, or concerts, or anything of interest

  • Camps, barbecues

  • Trips

  • Any other ideas you suggest, the club is your club

  • Socializing with fellow musicians and music fans

  • Having the chance to meet some of the top local artists (and when possible, international as well)

  • Exclusive access to an online forum many discussions can be held, requests done, media sharing, reviewing equipment, etc…

  • Members get discounts to our event

  • Members will get exclusive sales to pre-presale tickets and priority to limited ticket events

  • Members get an email: yourname@rockring.org

  • Members get discounts to our partners (some music stores for example)

  • Members get recording discounts

  • Members can help us do better events by having a more active role in planning them

  • The club itself is a fundraiser for RockRing, the funds will be used to the benefits of the Lebanese music scene by improving events and supporting bands

  • One of our future goals is to establish a studio for the club, hopefully soon – it will be the most advanced band studio in Lebanon – it will be exclusive to club members and their bands (we mean recording studio & practice place)

  • Members can use our resources to order material from abroad (guitars or tshirts from American online stores or ebays)

  • The club will be self-run by an active committee voted by the members themselves

  • The club is not localized at a specific set location, activities will be done at different places

  • The membership fee is 20$ for 3 months, paid once every 3 months

You can suggest ideas and give your feedback.

For any questions: club@rockringlb.com

There are 11 questions in this survey: http://rockringlb.com/surveys/index.php?sid=93219&newtest=Y&lang=en
